2018 Messages
December 2018
November 2018
October 2018
September 2018
We apologize, the Sermon on September 30th was not recorded. But there was a sermon PPT.
Recognizing the Spirit moving and telling us to slow down, there was an extended corporate prayer time during the Worship Service, which could not be recorded. You will hear Pastor Jon explaining what we would be doing and starting the prayer time, there's a 5 second break (which was really 30+ min), and then a short homily/review before communion.
August 2018
July 2018
07-01-2018 - The Holy Spirit moved and we were blessed beyond measure to have Natalie Charlotin, co-founder of "One Gift One Child" in Haiti, share with us about how God is moving in that country. Her message was so inspirtational and we were able to spend an extended period praying for Natalie, her husband Pierre and their staff and the children the serve. Pastor Jon opted to forgo the sermon. For more information about One Gift One Child, please see onegiftonechild.org. Natalie also showed a video, which is available through the One Gift One Child Facebook Page: One Gift One Child 2017 video.
June 2018
May 2018
Due to a technical difficulty the first sermon in the "Change the Story" series is not available.
April 2018
March 2018
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There is a brief space in the audio, when Pastor Jon references Tim McGraw's song "Love Like You Were Dying." The song is posted here so you can listen to it.
February 2018
Still struggling a bit in the sound booth with recording the sermon. You will hear 3-4 seconds of silence at about 26 minutes. The recording computer decided to restart in the middle of the sermon, so a piece of the message was not recorded.
The recording of the February 4th Sermon is incomplete, it is missing the first 4 1/2 minutes, due to technical difficulties, overall the sound quality is not terrific either, we are sorry. In addition there is a brief pause, when the video, at right, was played during the service.
January 2018