The Plain PantryMission: The Pantry provides a way for Plain Community Church to purposely embrace our community by offering food assistance and resources, along with hope and peace through Jesus Christ.
Open Hours:
Wednesdays: 1:00 - 5:00 PM Thursdays: 1:00 - 7:00 PM Location: Located at 12471 Chapel Drive in the mobile home (next door to Plain Community Church) Phone: 509-888-1110 |
A huge thank you to all our financial supporters, volunteers and community partners.
DONATIONS: Donations of money and non-perishable foods are always appreciated. Donate Financially Online!
THE PANTRY COMMUNITY GARDEN: The Pantry Community Garden operates as a teaching garden to local garden clubs as well as provide a harvest of vegetables for volunteers and Pantry clients. The garden is open to all to participate. AZURE WHOLE FOODS: AZURE Standard is a well-known supplier of whole foods. The Pantry is a monthly "drop point" for those who purchase from the Azure website. The Pantry is given Azure credit based on the amount of purchases each month, which is used to buy food for our clients. One of the best kept secrets in Plain! Learn more! COMMUNITY COMPOSTING PROGRAM: Winton Manufacturing Company offers a dropsite at The Pantry for household food waste. Find more information at or LAKE WENATCHEE FIRE AND RESCUE COMMUNITY OUTREACH: LWFR provides assistance to residents who are aging, disabled or isolated so they can remain healthy and in their homes for as long as possible. They offer a long list of services including delivery of food from the Pantry for those who aren’t able to come in. Please contact [email protected] for more details. CHELAN DOUGLAS COMMUNITY ACTION COUNCIL: CDCAC is our partner in resourcing food for The Pantry. It is a foodbank warehouse that distributes government food as well as food gleaned from local food retailers such as Costco, Safeway, etc. CDCAC also acts as a distribution hub for other non-profit food suppliers such as Northwest Harvest and 2nd Harvest. |
Operation Thanksgiving Boxes was a Great Success!
Battle of the Food Banks, and Turkey Trot too! …read all about it! |
Mailing Address:
c/o Plain Community Church 12565 Chapel Dr. Leavenworth, WA 98826 Directors: Mark & Caren Karnofski [email protected] 509-888-1110 |